
This tutorial will introduce you to an app that allows you to create fully interactive digital timelines. These can be built individually or collaboratively. Users can add events and then draw connections between them to better understand causal factors at play across time. Students explain why they connected specific events. Students can also add images, videos, and audio, turning their presentations into “mini-documentaries” when using the autoplay feature. This kind of tool can be thought of as a kind of digital investigation board (like you might see in your favorite TV detective show.) You can find the app here or through the UT Canvas App Store.

Grade Level(s): Elementary & Middle School; High School; Undergraduate; Graduate & Professional
Course Subject(s): Digital Scholarship

Learning Objectives

  • Students learn to organize course material in an easy to understand way; categorize events according to class focus; master course content through creating a visual representation of material.
  • Connect events based on the analytical or methodological framework you are using in the class to better understand change over time and historical causality.
  • Evidence-based thinking
  • Collaboration: students learn to work collaboratively by discussing which events go on the timeline and how they are connected
  • Presentation of material to external audiences


Abbreviated Tutorials | Detailed Tutorial | Example Project | Digital Archives List

Rights Statement

Creator(s): Erika M. Bsumek, Associate Professor, Department of History
Date: 2021-09-02

This tutorial is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License (“Public License”). This license lets others share, remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as they credit the creators and license their new creations under the identical terms.

ClioVis (Platform Tutorial)