This exhibition aims to underscore resistance to colonial legacies by examining Latinx zines that interrogate food and its impact in shaping cultural identity. Zinesters draw on memoirs and artwork to promote plant-based diets and condemn colonial impositions regarding food, “healthy” bodies, and medicine. As an offshoot of food, the exhibit also highlights zines that discuss traditional healing, speciesism, and body positivity.
Date Range(s): 2014-2019
Country(ies): United States; El Salvador; Peru; Mexico; Venezuela
Course Subject(s): Mexican American and Latina/o Studies; Women & Gender Studies; Latin American Studies; Literary Studies; U.S. History: 1877-present; Art & Art History; Borderland Studies
Topic(s): Food Studies; Veganism; Speciesism; Traditional Knowledge; Body Positivity; Resistance
Document Types: Zines
Language(s): Spanish; English
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Rights Statement
Creator(s): Daniel Arbino, Head of Collection Development & U.S. Latino/a Librarian, LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections
Date Created: 2020-04-02
Physical Repository: Benson Latin American Collection, University of Texas at Austin
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