La Guardia was a U.S. Latine-ran newspaper that provides information on political and social issues affecting the Mexican American and Puerto Rican communities in Milwaukee.
La Guardia Newspaper (Primary Sources)

La Guardia was a U.S. Latine-ran newspaper that provides information on political and social issues affecting the Mexican American and Puerto Rican communities in Milwaukee.
The Shankleville Community Oral History Collection contains photographs, documentation, select interview transcriptions, and 11 oral history interviews conducted by Lareatha H. Clay, founding member of the Shankleville Historical Society, and Dan K. Utley. Shankleville, Texas, is an historic freedom colony located in northcentral Newton County in east Texas.
To mark the Benson’s centennial, this exhibition looks at knowledge production from different communities in the Americas. Special attention is paid to community stories, craftwork, harvest and subsistence, medicine, and flora and fauna.
This exhibition explores various perspectives on Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna’s political and military career and legacy in Mexico.
This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to create a map-based project in StoryMapJS, a free Google Drive-based tool that helps you present spatial-temporal research, using posters created by solidarity groups throughout the world advocating for human rights in El Salvador’s civil war (1980-1992). The posters are from the Armed Conflict Collection at the Museum of the Word and the Image (MUPI), San Salvador, El Salvador.
Manuscripts and archives acquired by Genaro García, Mexican historian, educator, lawyer, politician, and bibliophile, relating primarily to the history, politics, and culture of Mexico from the 16th-20th centuries, including archives of prominent Mexican political figures.
Survey maps of the Rio Grande from Roma to the Gulf of Mexico.
Photographs and other images, mostly from the 19th century, of people and scenes in Mexico.
Printed ephemera , some of which are illustrated, mostly discussing topics related to the Mexican Revolution.
Manuscripts and printed material related to the history of Mexico and southwestern United States (California, New Mexico, and Texas) before 1836. collected by geologist William B. Stephens.