This exhibition explores the themes of revolution, national autonomy, and anti-capitalism in a set of inauguration speeches delivered by Castro. The selected texts highlight how the rhetoric of the Cuban Revolution shaped the built environment of the island and how these advances complicated the polarized representations of Castro’s government.
Date Range(s): 1960-1994
Country(ies): Cuba; United States
Course Subject(s): African and African Diaspora Studies; Digital Scholarship; Latin American Studies; Literary Studies; U.S. History: 1877-present; World Geography Studies; World History Studies
Topic(s): Political History; Speeches; Communism; Agriculture; Industry; Education
Document Types: Interactive digital map
Language(s): English
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Rights Statement
Creator(s): Karla Roig, Association of Research Libraries Fellow and Digital Scholarship Intern (2018-2020), UT Libraries & LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections
Date Created: 2020-06-02
Physical Repository: Benson Latin American Collection, University of Texas at Austin
This exhibition and highlighted primary sources are under copyright. Access to these materials is provided for educational and research use only.
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