This exhibit celebrates the opening of Mexican novelist María Luisa Puga’s archives by showcasing highlights from the collection. Puga was a highly disciplined diarist and created personal journals, or cuadernos, to not only chronicle her daily life and activities, but also to developed her literary work. In capturing her dazzling approach to organization and extensive doodling habits, these diaries manifest the author’s own consciousness and provide a written record of feelings, friendships, and encounters—life’s most ephemeral moments, made permanent.
Date Range(s): 1967-2005
Country(ies): Mexico
Course Subject(s): World Geography Studies; Latin American Studies; Spanish
Topic(s): Literature; Politics
Document Types: Diaries; Notebooks; Photographs; Magazines; Personal Correspondence; Audio; Drawings
Language(s): Spanish; English
Rights Statement
Creator(s): Emma Whittington, Benson Special Collections Graduate Research Assistant
Date Created: 2018-04
Physical Repository: Benson Latin American Collection, University of Texas at Austin
This exhibition and highlighted primary sources are under copyright by the Puga estate. Access to these materials is provided for educational and research use only.