The Shankleville Community Oral History Collection contains photographs, documentation, select interview transcriptions, and 11 oral history interviews conducted by Lareatha H. Clay, founding member of the Shankleville Historical Society, and Dan K. Utley. Shankleville, Texas, is an historic freedom colony located in northcentral Newton County in east Texas.
A Hemisphere of Knowledge: A Benson Centennial Exhibition (Exhibition)
To mark the Benson’s centennial, this exhibition looks at knowledge production from different communities in the Americas. Special attention is paid to community stories, craftwork, harvest and subsistence, medicine, and flora and fauna.
Celebrating Eric Williams (Exhibition)
A scholar and statesman, the Honorable Dr. Eric Eustace Williams (1911-1981) led Trinidad and Tobago for over a quarter of a century.
Genaro Garcia Manuscripts Collection (Primary Sources)
Manuscripts and archives acquired by Genaro García, Mexican historian, educator, lawyer, politician, and bibliophile, relating primarily to the history, politics, and culture of Mexico from the 16th-20th centuries, including archives of prominent Mexican political figures.
Slavery in Colombia Collection (Primary Sources)
Edicts and other historical manuscripts documenting slavery, manumission, and related subjects in Colombia.
William B. Stephens Collection (Primary Sources)
Manuscripts and printed material related to the history of Mexico and southwestern United States (California, New Mexico, and Texas) before 1836. collected by geologist William B. Stephens.
Onda Latina Collection (Primary Sources)
This collection consists of 226 digitally preserved audio programs including interviews, music, and informational programs related to the Mexican American community and their concerns from the radio series “The Mexican American Experience” and “A esta hora conversamos” the Longhorn Radio Network, 1976-1982.
Organizational Dynamics of the Black People of Colombia Collection (Primary Sources)
The collection contains information on the organizational activities of black communities in Colombia claiming ethnic rights over territories.
Quilombos of Vale do Ribeira Collection (Primary Sources)
This archival collection documents the founding and history of Movimento dos Ameaçados por Barragens (MOAB)/Equipe de Articulação e Assessorias às Comunidades Negras do Vale do Ribeira (EAACONE), and the social and political organization of quilombola communities in the Ribeira Valley in their struggle for the guarantee of their territorial rights.
Royal Archive of Cholula (Primary Sources)
The Royal Archive of Cholula contains the documentation of the old Corregimiento of Cholula, one of the nine “Cities of Indians” that existed in New Spain. This colonial institution functioned as a district seat and had the powers of government, law, finance, and war over Indigenous villages and the Spanish, Black, Mestizo, and Creole populations.