Broadsides and circulars that relate primarily to the history and politics in Mexico, particularly the Mexican War of Independence (1810-1821) and the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920).
These assignments provide opportunities for students to learn and explore a few key concepts central to language documentation and description with real primary language documentation data from a 1977-1984 project studying lexical and morphosyntactic variation across the many Indigenous Mixtec (Otomanguean; Mexico) languages.
This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to create a map-based project in StoryMapJS, a free Google Drive-based tool that helps you present spatial-temporal research, using posters created by solidarity groups throughout the world advocating for human rights in El Salvador’s civil war (1980-1992). The posters are from the Armed Conflict Collection at the Museum of the Word and the Image (MUPI), San Salvador, El Salvador.
This collection consists of 226 digitally preserved audio programs including interviews, music, and informational programs related to the Mexican American community and their concerns from the radio series “The Mexican American Experience” and “A esta hora conversamos” the Longhorn Radio Network, 1976-1982.