This exhibition explores the themes of revolution, national autonomy, and anti-capitalism in a set of inauguration speeches delivered by Castro. The selected texts highlight how the rhetoric of the Cuban Revolution shaped the built environment of the island and how these advances complicated the polarized representations of Castro’s government.
This exhibition aims to underscore resistance to colonial legacies by examining Latinx zines that interrogate food and its impact in shaping cultural identity.
Radio Venceremos, the rebel radio station that broadcast from the mountains of Morazán, El Salvador during the eleven year Salvadoran Civil War (1981-1992), produced an important collection of recordings that contain valuable historic, anthropologic and ethnographic information, particularly in regards to human rights violations during an era of social transformation in Central America.
This collection contains full-text English translations of speeches, interviews, and press conferences issued by Fidel Castro from 1959 to 1996. These are based on the records of the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS), a U.S. government agency responsible for monitoring broadcast and print media in countries throughout the world. The Department of Research of the Radio Martí Program, part of the U.S. Information Agency, undertook the task of digitizing FBIS reports from 1959 through the end of the 1980s.
The digital archive contains news clippings and documents compiled by Inforpress Centroamericana on the topic of Violence in Guatemala. The news stories are arranged chronologically and address the distinct types of violence prevalent in Guatemala in the years 1978 to 1982: political violence, violence generated by the internal armed conflict, and everyday violence.
The digital collection consists of political propaganda from the period of the Salvadoran armed conflict (1980-1992), produced primarily by clandestine groups and solidarity organizations, as well as the military. The posters contain artwork and photos criticizing U.S. intervention in the conflict, announcing protests, and calling attention to government atrocities.
Through the comparison of photographs and analysis of textual sources, this lesson helps students think though the causes of the revolution that are tied to colonial structures.
Students will learn about Mexican Americans’ struggle to keep and create space and place in their community. Students will learn about Juárez-Lincoln University/Cultural Center and its role in local Mexican American history. Students will create a plan for their own community educational/art space including pedagogical strategies, programming, branding, and facilities.
Students will learn about US social movements through the Economy Furniture strike in Austin, Texas. Students will critically engage with movement materials and create their own social justice campaigns and related campaign materials which may include but are not limited to posters, buttons, pamphlets, and protest signs.